Become a Volunteer

Let the Davao Catholic Herald and DXGN 89.9 FM help you find your mission if you have not yet found any beyond your family. You can volunteer in the editorial writing and coverage, social media training and office works, marketing and circulation. You can share stories or photos about your parish or community events. The DC Herald and DXGN are just among the many in which you can proclaim Jesus.

Davao Verbum Dei Media Foundation, Inc.
(Davao Catholic Herald and DXGN FM 89.9 FM)


I. Rationale

This project aims to:

  1. Make individuals aware that the Church takes serious efforts in using means of Social Communications in the work of evangelization;
  2. To let the individual feel among Davao’s 1.4 million population is a bountiful harvest and potential agents to spread the Good News; and
  3. To offer the individual an avenue to respond to the Christian duty to support the Church’s mission to evangelize the people at the periphery through the use of media.

II. Mechanics

Volunteer’s Program/Community Extension

Any individual as recommended by the parish, school or by personal choice can apply as a volunteer. He/She does work without getting paid and immerses himself/herself in formation programs/training.


  1. Office Volunteer (OV)
    1. He/She who performs administrative functions in the office only
    2. Duty hours – office hours (Mondays-Saturdays, 8-5 pm)
    3. Recommendation letter from the school president is necessary
    4. If not studying, a letter of intent is submitted with attached Curriculum Vitae.
  2. Social Communications Coordinators/members
    1. appointed from schools, lay organizations and movements, Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs)
    2. includes sellers and pledge collectors
  3. On-call Volunteers – per project basis
  4. Board of Trustees (BOT) – as appointed by the archbishop
  5. Editorial Board – existing contributors/ BOT; writes the editorial and meets for planning once in two months
  6. Correspondents – writers
  7. Consultants – legal, finance

Internship Program

Any graduating student who is officially sent by the school where he/she studies who renders certain number of hours get experience both in administrative functions and field exposures; subject for evaluation at the end of the on-the-job training.

Courses for internship

  1. IT – Social Media Department | Database and Research
  2. Education – Training and Support Services
  3. BSBA – Marketing Department | Entrepreneurship
  4. Fine Arts – Social Media, Editorial, Video Editing, Location Beautification for shoots, DC Herald and DXGN FM interior design
    1. Photography
    2. Visual Communication
    3. Interior design
    4. Painting
  5. On-call for events – HRM and IT/Food Technology
  6. High school and elementary faculty and students (editorial team) – contributors

Tasks: As determined by the heads of each department in DVDMFI