Category Archives: Truth sets us free

TRULY was it said: Ideae regunt mundum---a Latin expression that translates: “It is ideas that rule the world.” Cultures are constituted from traditional ideas. But since some ideas are self-destructive, so some cultures too tend to retrograde, such as those based on revenge, pride, hatred, judgmental...

One common denominator of Christian living is actually based on the life and words of Our Lord Jesus Christ who often repeated the axiom “the man who humbles himself shall be exalted but the man who exalts himself shall be humbled” (Lk. 14:11; 18:14). Maybe...

What makes people unhappy? What's wrong?  Is the problem inside or outside? The gospel indicates it's inside. Why? They could have forgotten that the happiest people, like the saints, are the humble people, hardworking, patient, loving and forgiving, with full trust in the Almighty and in the Savior Jesus Christ,...