Category Archives: Perspective

IF there’s any doctrine worth all our life, it’s Christ’s saving doctrine. You can be sure it’s not just some ideological or technical doctrine that can give us some temporal and earthly benefits in the area of politics, social life, economics, etc. It’s a doctrine that...

I’M referring to our human laws. No matter how well crafted, they are not meant to be the end or the goal themselves, but rather as means or a way to our ultimate goal who is God or our eternal life with God. We are reminded...

IT’S an understatement that the world today is sunk quite deep in ignorance and confusion. This phenomenon is actually to be expected. Given the way we are designed, we are prone to them. And yet, even if all these were so, we still can affirm with...

IT’S important that we realize the abiding need to educate our senses, that is to say, to make our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and hand discern the ultimate object and purpose of our life, who is God. They should not be allowed to go every which...

We need to know the difference as well as the intimate link between the two. The other day while presiding at a wedding, I brought up this topic to underline an often forgotten and misunderstood truth of faith. Newly-weds will most likely become parents soon, and...

George Orwell invented the word Newspeak. It means "a deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the people." We have to be wary of its existence, because it is actually present in today's world. It's a language that deftly mixes truths and untruths,...

We should be most thankful to God for the tremendous piety we, as a people, have. If we just look at the very impressive pictures of the people who joined the "Traslacion" of Hesus Nazareno in Manila recently, we cannot help but feel breathless at...

Theology, of course, is indispensable in our life. It is the required effort to study our faith that is supposed to guide and shape our life. It’s actually meant for everyone, and not just for a few. Truth is, whether we are aware of it...