Category Archives: Perspective

WE need to learn this art. It plays a crucial and strategic role in our life. In many instances in the gospel, Christ told people after preaching, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Mt 11,15) Let us try to avoid Christ’s reproach, “Though...

THEY may look and sound the same but they actually are worlds apart from each other. One destroys the truth. The other protects and defends it, and even promotes it. Lying can sound like the truth since it can cite facts and data, but the intention...

YES, that’s how our attitude should be when we work. We have to work for God and not just for men. St. Paul said so: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since...

THAT’S right! We can afford to be worry-free and as carefree as a bird if we only know how to be with Christ, trusting always in his unconditional love for us, his ever-merciful and wise providence over us. Even in our worst predicaments, when we are...

I WAS happy to learn that in his New Year address, Pope Francis recommended jettisoning what he called as life’s “useless baggage” that includes empty chatter and banal consumerism. He advised setting aside a time of prayer everyday so as to be with God. In the...