Category Archives: Perspective

ONE very gratifying task I do is talking with young people, usually those in the school where I work, and being given the chance to help them in some way. It’s amazing that just by inviting them for a short chat, they would already feel...

SINCE we have been created in the image and likeness of God, we should put all our energy in becoming like God. To be like God is not some kind of mental disorder that some people stereotype such effort to be. In fact, that is...

I’M referring to the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. That is where we get in direct contact with the living and redeeming Christ. We become contemporaries of his and join him in his redemptive work, sanctifying ourselves in the process and helping in the sanctification...

WE have to be better prepared when we are tempted. Our usual problem is that we think that when we are tempted, it is just a very personal affair that nobody else should intervene. This is not the way to deal with temptations. With this...

TO have an active mind is, of course, a good thing. It facilitates many things: our thinking, our judging, assessing and reasoning. It fosters insights and intuition, allowing us to see and read more than what our eyes and other senses can perceive. It mitigates...

I BELIEVE we all commit mistakes and suffer some failures in life. And certainly we feel bad about it. We just have to make sure that we do not stay long brooding over them and letting ourselves to sink to sadness and depression. We have...

IF we believe that God is the supreme being and the source of all good things in life, why don’t we talk a lot about him, especially in the public fora where most of the people are? It would seem that speaking about God is restricted...

WE just don’t do apostolate as if it is just one more task to be done on some parts of the day. We are first of all apostles, and our apostolic concern should be constant and abiding, even while we are asleep or doing all...

WE need to be more aware of this reality so that we both can enjoy its rights and privileges and fulfill the duties inherent in it. Truth is no matter how isolated we are physically, mentally or emotionally, we are all interconnected for the most...