Category Archives: Opinion

The Word Leads To The Way, The Truth, And The Life” (Is. 61:1-4/Jn. 14:6). This is the theme for this year’s National Bible Month. Four former Presidents of the Philippines, through their respective proclamations saw the need for the Word of God in building the nation....

(Excerpt from the Homily of Most Reverend Romulo G. Valles, D.D., on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, San Pedro Cathedral Parish, San Pedro Street, Davao City at January 8, 2023.) The magi represent us, so somehow we are told today “watch out because...

IT’S amazing that Christ would consider as blessed those conditions when we appear to be the receiving end of all the injustices and unfairness we can encounter in our life. That’s what the Beatitudes express. (cfr. Mt 5,1-12) That’s because the Beatitudes describe the way Christ...

THAT’S true! Love and all its different manifestations always work for unity among ourselves, irrespective of our unavoidable differences and conflicts. In fact, these latter conditions can occasion a greater and purer brand of love. At the same time, hatred and all its cohorts do nothing...