Category Archives: Opinion

“In Lent the playing of musical instruments is called only to support the singing, except on Laetare Sunday, Solemnities and feasts” (Cf. Ordo). The reason for rejoicing in the middle of the Lenten season is our rising spirits due to the love of God for...

THE 4th Sunday of Lent is usually dubbed as “Laetare Sunday” for the simple reason that its Entrance Antiphon starts with this passage from the Book of Isaiah (66,10), “Rejoice, Jerusalem! Be glad for her, you who love her; rejoice with her, you who mourned...

In celebration of the Women’s Month and Fire Prevention Month, let me share the stories of women who were able to niche their place in firefighting especially the now-familiar all women fire stations. First, is Molly Williams. She is known to be the first female fighter...