Category Archives: Editorial

The Pentecost is a celebration every year to mark the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is celebrated 50 days after the Resurrection of Christ. After the death of Christ on the Cross, the apostles were haunted by fear that they may suffer...

Millions of elementary students breathe a sigh of relief when classes ended last march. They felt better after Easter Sunday because they were freed from the preparations and the gloom of Holy Week. Many looked forward for the Flores de Mayo. For those in grades...

One activity that can cause family bonding or deepening of friendships is doing a pilgrimage.  May is Mama Mary’s month and we encourage everyone, all who have great affection to her to visit a shrine dedicated to her, the greatest of all of God’s creation. ...

Hallelujah!  Death is vanquished!  Christ is risen!  The gates of heaven are open!  The disciples, now, are beginning to understand and believe what the Lord had been telling them during His short but eventful ministry.  Why do we believe His disciples’ proclamation?  First, they saw...