Category Archives: Catechism

St. Martin of Tours, Bishop LUKE 17:12-15 As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him. Keeping their distance, they raised their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us.” When he saw them, he responded, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” On...

Taizé is a monastic community located in Taizé, France, founded in the 1940s by a Swiss named Roger Louis Schütz-Marsauche, familiarly called Brother Roger. The “brothers” of Taizé have taken a vow of celibacy and are committed to a lifetime of simplicity, service, and community. There...

A simple kid does not need external props such as clothes, expensive toys or gadgets, etc. to bolster up their ego. “For our school’s thanksgiving program, I will not buy new clothes because my old clothes are still presentable. I don’t need new shoes either.” A simple...