Author: Fr. Roy Cimagala

It's, of course, a given. We are all sinners! There's nothing new about that. Whether you are a priest or a mayor, saintly-looking, good-looking or plain-looking, we all have feet of clay, and from time to time, we fall in spite of our best efforts....

Nowadays, we are seeing a lot of people depending solely on their senses, judgments and reasoning in tackling all their temporal affairs with hardly any reference to God's will and plans. Obviously, for Christian believers, all these senses and human intelligence and will are God-given and,...

THESE are what we have to look for in choosing our public officials. Of course, to be realistic, we have to put these qualities in the context of the candidates’ popularity and electability. But for Pete’s sake, let’s not make mere popularity the main guide...

One of the most surprising if disturbing phenomena in our times is that with all the undeniable problems related to chastity, there's hardly anything done about it. No concerted effort, no campaign nor drive is being done. Problems, of course, include premarital and extramarital sex, pornography...

Some drastic updating of our understanding of what a missionary is, is now in order. We should not get stuck with the common, textbook idea that a missionary is usually a priest or nun who goes to a far-away place, and literally starts a settlement...