Author: Fr. Roy Cimagala

We need to know the difference as well as the intimate link between the two. The other day while presiding at a wedding, I brought up this topic to underline an often forgotten and misunderstood truth of faith. Newly-weds will most likely become parents soon, and...

George Orwell invented the word Newspeak. It means "a deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the people." We have to be wary of its existence, because it is actually present in today's world. It's a language that deftly mixes truths and untruths,...

We should be most thankful to God for the tremendous piety we, as a people, have. If we just look at the very impressive pictures of the people who joined the "Traslacion" of Hesus Nazareno in Manila recently, we cannot help but feel breathless at...

Theology, of course, is indispensable in our life. It is the required effort to study our faith that is supposed to guide and shape our life. It’s actually meant for everyone, and not just for a few. Truth is, whether we are aware of it...

Lest you get scandalized, it was Christ himself who said so. Let us cite the exact quotation: ‘“Which of the two did what his father wanted?’ ‘The first,’ they answered. Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are...

Epiphany means manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. (cfr Mt 2,1-12) It means that he is meant for all people, and not just to the Jews, the chosen people. The feast reminds us that we all need him, for he...

OUR earthly life, it is said, is a matter of a journey, a pilgrimage toward our eternal destination. Given our conditions here where we have to contend with all sorts of things, there is great need for us to stay on course, avoiding getting diverted...

Every time we celebrate New Year that liturgically coincides with the Solemnity of the divine maternity of our Lady, we should be reminded that we have to make ourselves new again spiritually and morally. Every New Year, of course, makes us a year older, but spiritually...