Author: Maribel Robles

February 14 is an important day for us Catholics since it’s Ash Wednesday and it signifies the start of the Lenten Season. We are obliged to attend the Holy Mass on that day. The imposition of ashes on our foreheads will remind us that from...

January is the start of every year, this year let us welcome 2024 with a hopeful perspective. It's a time for a new beginning, leaving the past behind with a grateful heart. No matter how bad or difficult the past couple of years have been,...

On November 2 is the commemoration of all the faithful departed. We will remember our beloved dead who have been a part of our lives. We thank them for the good memories. Also, we are hoping that their sins are forgiven and that they are...

This year’s World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis has chosen a theme inspired by the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the Gospel of Luke (cf. 24:13-35): “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” according to Furthermore, the Pope shared that those...