Author: Jesus Quitain

The world has been dark and gloomy since the COVID-19 pandemic exploded in late October 2019. On January 2020 Pope Francis issued Oratio Imperata. Oratio means prayer. Imperata means a command or order which must be strictly followed. It must be a part of all...

Two generations do not know much about 1986 EDSA event except that February 25 is a holiday. In 1985 the President said there will be a “snap” Presidential election in 1986 though his term will not end in 1986 but 1987. The first sign of...

I was an R.T.C. Judge for 21 years (1985 – 2001). Part of my job was to administer the oaths of newly passed doctors, nurses, C.P.A’s, Engineers etc. After the oath taking, I am usually asked to say something. This was my standard talk. “Pray to...