Author: Archbishop Fernando Capalla, DD

Pope Francis uses the term, Comfort Zone, in his first papal exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel, chapter 1, no. 20). Before he was pope, he spoke about this in one of the pre-conclave informative sessions labeled "congregations" attended by voting and non-voting cardinals. When...

The peripheries refer to the shanties, prison cells, hospitals, world of politics, finance, arts, the sciences, culture, education and social communication. In saying these words at the end of the Holy Mass at the Luneta grandstand on that rainy Sunday the eighteenth of January 2015, Manila archbishop...

For the young political activists of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the word ‘conscientization’ referred to the process of touching people’s personal conscience through systematic ‘teach-in’ sessions towards concrete action. The vigorous efforts at these nightly and usually secret activities were massively carried out...

Joint Statement of the Bishops-Ulama Conference Theme: “We pray for long-lasting peace in Mindanao. Give, Share, Live and Proclaim Peace.” The Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an enjoin Christians, Muslims Indigenous Peoples to pray always. This raising of minds and hearts in prayer to God whom they...