Millions to see Pope

MILLIONS — We expect millions will flock to the Luneta park to join Pope Francis in the celebration of the Holy Mass during his February Philippine visit.

It will be a traffic nightmare in Manila if not properly handled.
MANNY — Today, Pinoys’ pride Manny Pacquiao will again fight in Macau. It will be another “standstill Sunday” — tricycle drivers, vendors, the “masa” will momentarily drop or stop whatever they’re doing just to watch. Always a winner!


MISTAKE — It was a big mistake for the DOH Acting Secretary Garin and AFP chief of staff Catapang to visit the ebola quarantine island where our returning peacekeepers are kept WITHOUT wearing the standard protective gears. Although there may be no real danger of someone being infected, the imagery projected on that visit showed a serious lapse of judgment. As the song goes: “oh when will we ever learn…?


EBOLA SCARE — Although we are not yet alarmed about the spread of the ebola virus since the sickness is still mostly confined to some African states, we have to be forewarned. And take extra careful. Hindi ito e- bola”!


MORE POWERS — Giving extra powers to the President so he could quickly solve problems is a good move. The looming energy power crisis in Luzon during the summer months next year is predicted and must be tackled decisively. At the end of the day, the President is answerable if serious problems in the country arise. Denying him such powers will give him the excuse to wash his hands if things so wrong,


BUC — The Bishop Ulama conference will have a discussion on the bangsamoro issue on Dec 11. Earlier, on Dec 2, another forum on bangsamoro will also be held in Camp Crame. In those meetings I was invited to give my thoughts. It is impotant that we mitigate or eliminate the risks involved to sustain the peace.

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