San Antonio De Padua Parish Youth Apostolate Taizé prayer and adoration 2024

Spiritual Formation (Taizé prayer and Adoration)

“O how I need you my Jesus, in this night of exile.”

This night is different from the other night! A night of a solemn adoration, where the wind was cold but Christ makes you feel warm. Truly it is a different experience when we feel the exposed Body of Christ, that it ignites the burning heart of our desire to talk to Him, in silence and in peace.

The San Antonio De Padua Parish Youth Apostolate held a wondrous night of Taizé prayer and adoration last August 02 and 03, 2024 on the feast day of St. Julian Eymard who is also known as the patron saint of the Blessed Sacrament.

In this solemn Taizé prayer and adoration, there are 40 participants that were present. In one of the talks given by Rev. Fr. Amado B. Arroyo, parish priest of San Antonio De Padua Parish Agdao. He highlighted, “Kining Taizé prayer, magtudlo kaninyo kung unsaon pag focus.” Where he also added that the symbolism of the candles will help us focus on the Blessed Sacrament in front as a prayer. Thus, Rev. Fr. Amiel Arado, the newly ordained priest also gave his insights, an orientation about the Taizé prayer and adoration. He emphasized that, “Time is quick to those who fear. Time is short for those who rejoice. Time does not exist for those who are in love.” While he pertains to the Body of Christ that it is a form of love, that there is no time when you love.

By the form of its program flow it started with an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the first batch to adore that started at 8:00 pm and they have given an hour to adore, but if they desire to extend to pray, they have given a freedom to do so and up until the last batch which ended at 5:00 am through reposition. But it didn’t end there, a holy rosary was honored to the Mary as it is also the first Saturday of the month which is dedicated to Our Blessed Mother, and lastly the most important celebration, the Eucharistic Mass.

Reminding everyone that there is nothing more amazing than to join and talk to the Lord through this prayer! Hence, we all know that through prayer, we can communicate with God. But, in this specific type of prayer where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. It truly is a majestic time that indeed you’ll be able to speak, stare, believe, and be present in whatever your heart wants you to speak. Because in front of you is the BODY of CHRIST. (Mary Grace A. Lagata)

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