God’s Call, Our Responsibility

We have to be present in all human activities and organizations so that Christ may be present in them. We cannot allow apathy, laziness, or comfort-seeking to overcome us in this noble enterprise for God. Many endeavors and projects depend on decisions that may impact future generations. Hence, the weight of the souls should compel us to attend to this great responsibility. The early Christians may not have had sophisticated programs to increase the spiritual temperature of their surroundings, but in spite of the persecutions, after a few centuries, a huge part of the Roman Empire was imbued with Christian spirit. Our struggle today remains the same – to build a more humane world centered on Christ’s teachings.

When Christ boards our boat which carries our dreams and aspirations, he means to complicate our life, but rest assured, with the Holy Spirit blowing our sails, we will be going to places; otherwise, exhaustion from rowing will overcome us, worst yet – shipwreck! St. Joseph did what the Lord desired. In the same way, Joseph, son of Jacob, in the Old Testament, lived the trials. Both kept their faith in God. Both saved their families, and eventually brought life to many. Our Blessed Mother said yes too, and brought forth life to us through her Son. (Johnny Sulit)

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