Embracing Innocence

On the occasion of the 73rd Patronal Fiesta of GKK San Roque at Cogon Toril where our very own Managing Director, Rev. Fr. Ritsche Gamaya, is a member, the Gospel reading from Matthew 19:13-15 provided a moving reminder of the importance of welcoming children and prioritizing God in our lives. During this significant celebration, the Gospel message resonated deeply with the congregation as Rev. Fr. Victor Isidoro Gilay, Parish Priest of Sto. Rosario Toril, presided over the liturgy.

The passage narrates an episode where children were brought to Jesus so that He might lay His hands on them and pray. The disciples, however, attempted to rebuke those bringing the children. Jesus, in response, expressed His disapproval, emphasizing the value and place of children in His kingdom. He declared, “Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such.”

In his homily, Fr. Gilay reflected on this Gospel and highlighted a pressing issue of our time: the tendency of some parents to neglect the primacy of God in their lives and the lives of their children. He urged the faithful to remember that amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, the presence and teachings of God should remain central.

The celebration of this patronal fiesta was not only a time of festivity but also a call to reaffirm our commitment to nurturing a childlike faith and ensuring that our priorities are aligned with spiritual values. As the community gathered to honor GKK San Roque, it was a reminder that in every aspect of life, especially in raising children, the love and teachings of Christ should be our guiding light.

We thank the mission partners who were moved and were able to share in the mission of evangelization.

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