stock public speaker photo by Roché Oosthuizen from Pixabay (Image by Roché Oosthuizen from Pixabay)

The Art of Public Speaking

You are asked to speak to a crowd because they think you have a solid message to give. Your first reaction is “Wow! I am good. They invited me as a lecturer and will give me an honorarium (cash).” Before your overblown and self-inflicted pride make you float remember always 3 things.

  1. He that exalts himself shall be humbled. Make your biodata short. Don’t make long winded corny jokes (you’re not Joey De Leon).
  2. When your audience is half asleep and the other half eating and talking with others, turn inward and examine yourself. You’ll realize that you are like your audience meaning, ill-mannered and irritating.
  3. In the open forum, keep your cool, don’t be sarcastic by saying:
    1. “At first, I wanted to be like you, a workaholic professional, it turned out I just wanted money.”
    2. “Like you I have plenty of talent and vision. It’s just that I don’t care.”
    3. In answering a long-winded question, don’t say “I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.”
    4. Or “It sounds English but I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”
    5. Or “your question blew up my mind, but feel free to leave a message I can descript and salvage.”
    6. Or “I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.”
    7. Or “hmm, yes now I can see, though barely, your point. It’s such a shame it’s wrong.”
    8. Don’t impress the crowd by using Jurassic words like “my tastes are completely adhesive, and I am positively negative, I like your project because it has stigma and I know what I’m talking about. I have an M.B.A. (may backer ako).”

The key. M.I.S.S, make it short stupid. Let the crowd appreciate your simplicity.

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