editorial St John Marie Vianney GRemolador

Saving souls

Today is St. John Vianney Sunday. He is known for his pastoral zeal in his parish in Ars. His dedication, especially in hearing confessions for hours, led to the radical transformation of the faithful from and outside his parish. That is why he is honored as patron of priests.

Let us offer prayers and support to our priests, diocesan and missionaries. We pray for the young, new, healthy, faithful, inspired, and able priests that they may not lose their ideals and commitment in their promise to serve the vineyard of the Lord.

Let us recall and bring to our prayers for priests who became unfaithful, tempted, sick, weak, old, discouraged, challenged, persecuted and dying that the Lord may revive in them the vigor of body and spirit in responding to the mission of heralding the Good News.

Let us include in our intentions those priests who have been forgotten and have died that they may be remembered and rewarded of their labors for the glory of the Lord.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of priests, intercede for our priests to continue saving souls!

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