editorial the Good Shepherd (Editorial cartoon by Glenn Remolador)

Listen To The Good Shepherd!

The sheep will always recognize the voice of their shepherd. It always amazes us that when the shepherd approaches the flock there is always a noise of jubilation among the sheep. They know who is coming, they can sense that the shepherd brings something for them or they can sense that he will open the gate for them and lead them out to greener pastures. This is how familiar the shepherd is, to the flock.

In the Church the Bishops are the shepherds of the flock. It is Jesus who chose them, “He entrusts His flock for the bishops to tend to” (John 21:15). Aside from the usual Bishops’ responsibility of shepherding which is expressed in the celebration of the sacraments and the catechism that they give to the flock, the pastoral visit in the parishes is an opportunity of encounter with their flock. To listen to the voices of the flock is a form of pastoral care.

The interaction between the Shepherd and the sheep in the context of a pastoral visit is a moment of affirmation of their common faith to the Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ. The Bishop reminds the flock to be steadfast in their faith to the Risen Lord who is the Good Shepherd. In return, the Bishop is also enriched by the witnessing of the people in their actual and day to day living.

This fourth Sunday of Easter reminds us to listen always to our Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ!

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