Eucharist illustration editorial

Greetings of Peace and Joy!

The Holy Eucharist, the Food of the Synodal Church.

Every time we travel food is necessary that would sustain us, so that we can reach our destination. We as people of God, we are pilgrims and our final destination is the Kingdom of God – Heaven. The food that we need for this journey is the Bread from Heaven. This bread is given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Eucharist. He said: “I am the bread that came down from heaven. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life.” This bread from heaven is always available since instituted the Holy Eucharist on the Last Supper. What a blessing for us especially Catholics because we always celebrate the Holy Eucharist where we partake the Body and Blood of Jesus that gives eternal life. Therefore, everytime we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, everytime we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, we also receive the Seed of eternal life. In this way as we journey together as a People of God, as a Synodal Church, we must always celebrate the Holy Eucharist for it is the “Source and Summit of Christian life without it we cannot survive.”

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