How can I be a better Altar Server?

How can I be a better Altar Server? The Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish (SHJP) Knights of the Altar Servers (KOTAS) held their annual recollection to find an answer to this seemingly simple question.

On November 5, 2022, the altar servers assembled at the main church early in the morning before they proceeded to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart Spirituality and Formation Center to hold their recollection. This recollection was meant to prepare the servers for their upcoming Sending Forth today, in the celebration of Christ the King.

Mrs. Cristina Decinilla, the Ate Cris of the Altar Servers, facilitated the formation groups and the sharing. She then gave a short talk on the duties and characteristics an altar server must possess to be a true and faithful servant of God. She ended her speech by inviting the altar servers to sing the song “Pananagutan,” a soulful song about responsibility. Ate Cris is the former KOTAS coordinator of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish-Obrero. Despite her old age, she never failed to support Altar Servers and help them mold to become followers of Christ.

Following this, a short video was played to set the tone for the next two speakers, Joshua Fediles (PYA Worship Leder) and Kuya Armond, the current KOTAS coordinator. Both testified on how important family is, to an altar server. They shared their experiences and learnings with the altar servers and reminded them that their family was the first to appreciate their service. They ended the talk with a reminder to always respect one’s family and to never forget them while serving the altar.

After a break where the altar servers had lunch together, The altar servers had a period where they could receive the sacrament of confession and reflect on the talks that were given. As everyone felt energized and refreshed from lunch and the reflection period, the altar servers held their last day activity, the Amazing Race. The goal of the challenges is brotherhood and selflessness by trusting each other and facing problems together as a group.

Even amidst the rain and cold weather, the altar servers persevered and continued with the game, showing their determination and competitive spirit but never forgetting their camaraderie and sportsmanship. They ended the recollection by going around and cleaning up the site as they waited for their transport to arrive to take them home.

The altar servers would like to acknowledge their ever-supportive Parish Priest, Fr. Emmanuel “Bong” Gonzaga, for his support towards the altar servers, especially in this recollection. It is in large part, thanks to his financial and moral support, that this event was possible. The SHJP-Altar Servers are undoubtedly thankful for his support as, without him, they would not have had a successful recollection. (Andrei Matthew A. Uy | SHJP KOTAS)

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