The Mentality of the Cursillo Movement
(compiled, researched and written by Bong Baldoza MC #188)
13th of a series
The Cursillo Movement Today
In understanding what the Movement is today we must view its history as a teacher of life. It helps us to understand what we are today and the why or who we are here and now. It helps us to define our collective identity and to see the Cursillo Movement in terms of its ecclesial character.
Faithful to the method, the Cursillo Movement must constantly reflect on reality, and with that reflection enrich its mentality without losing its identity. It is this mentality that makes it possible for the Movement to branch outward and at the same time, it serves as the source of development for the Movement.
Consequently the present reality does not indicate a rupture with the past, but rather its growth and maturity. Updating of the Cursillo Movement is mandated by the particular richness of its basic principles, by the needs of the times, and by the new fields of human experience in which it is entering.
The fundamental beliefs which make up the core foundation of the Cursillo Movement must meet these four requirements:
1. Within the Movement it must be possible to live out, and to live out communally, that which is permanently and universally valid- what is fundamental for being Christian.
2. The integrity of the faith must remain essential to our mentality.
3. It must be a matter of lived experience, not just theory. It must involve some real convictions, not just some ideas. The goal is to express life in truths, and to make those truths a reality in one’s own life.
4. There must be knowledge of reality that is committed and commitment-inviting. That is, there must be a presence of solidarity, and a free participation in those realities.
To meet these four requirements we need to have: a) an integrated concept of the person, b) a biblical concept of God, c) an integrated concept of the Church, and d) an integrated concept of Christianity.
In Conclusion
Because of this mentality, the Cursillo Movement has ongoing theological and pastoral viability. It has proved to be an effective element in the new evangelization of culture and an instrument of Christian renewal in the very heart of the Church.
In order for our mentality to be permanently converted into life and action, it is necessary for this mentality to be assimilated and enriched by the School of Leaders.
The Cursillo Movement will grow in its mentality and be able to preserve it, only if at its core there is an active group of leaders who possess, live, and communicate this mentality in a way that makes logical sense and touches people hearts. These leaders must do more than just be able to understand and explain the Cursillo mentality; they must be people who have made it such a vital part of their lives that it becomes a leavening element in them to inspire others.
In short, the Cursillo mentality is EVANGELIZATION, the joyful proclamation of God’s presence in the world that is renewing individual lives and transforming society into becoming a Christian Environment. It is the Movement’s way of participation in the life and mission of the Church, particularly the Local Church of Davao.
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