Congregation of Benedictine Sisters Celebrates Feast

Roughly about 2 years in the pandemic, the Congregation of Benedictine Sisters of the Eucharistic King finally celebrated the feast of their patron, St. Benedict of Nursia, founder and father of Western Christian monasticism, on Monday, July 11. After the morning prayer, the holy mass was then presided by Rev. Fr. Cristopher Alcayde at 6:00 a.m.

St. Benedict successfully made the transition from solitary life of a hermit to the community life of monastics. The monastery he founded in Monte Casino still stands today. Unlike the feast of other saints which is celebrated during the day of their death, St. Benedict’s feast is the day when his relics where transferred to the monastery of Fleury in France.

In his homily Fr. Cris shared that he didn’t think that day would be a special celebration due to the fact that as indicated in the liturgical calendar of the church, it was a memorial. However, when he received the list of the specified readings for the liturgy, he then realized that it was a solemnity especially for the congregation and that it is indeed a very special day not only for the sisters but also for the devotees.

After the Holy Mass was a fellowship meal with some friends of the congregation. There were also other religious nuns who were present and celebrated with the OSB. The sisters were really glad that the fellowship is now made possible after 2 years of restrictions.

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