Our Lady of Sorrows Carlo Dolci

Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows

The Second Joyful Mystery – The Visitation

It took me a long time to plan for my staying with my son’s family because of the comfort in simplicity of life that I enjoy in my cozy home in Bangkal, Davao City. However, my love for the ‘apos’, my sense of responsibility as a grandparent and knowing that the opportuned time is now, made me decide to go. The decision led me to meditate on the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.

There was a time I recalled my visit to Israel and was able to ponder the distance of Nazareth where Mary and Joseph were living to the home of Elizabeth. I figured out that it was approximately more than a hundred kilometers! At the time she visited Elizabeth, Mary was three-month pregnant. As told to us, only oxen and wagon were used for travelling. Both means of transportation are not exactly a pleasure, unlike now. How many days have they traveled? How did she eat along the way? How did she keep herself comfortable? Was there water to wipe herself? What about a bath? What about the dangers from harm like bandits? The trip alone is a sacrifice. Yet, it was gladly done.

When she arrived in Elizabeth’s house, Elizabeth, so old and pregnant, surely had difficulty serving herself and Zacharias. So Mary must have been busy serving the couple. This was done for several months. As one month passed to another, her womb was heavier with Jesus. For other pregnant women, their sense of taste is sometimes affected. Others have cravings. I wonder if Mary has these too in addition to the busy assistance she was doing.

At the time, she was going back to Nazareth, she could have been so heavy with Jesus, either riding in the wagon or on the donkey or maybe walking for a change once in a while. I surmise Joseph accompanied her.

While there is so much joy in the hard work and tiredness she experienced, how much sorrow was also felt? This very human experience is common to mothers. This is one reason why I wrote about this because of the difficulties I had experienced with my two pregnancies.

May the second joyful mystery enable us to appreciate also the accompanying sorrow or sacrifice which was normal to be felt by Mary, pregnant of Jesus, who has served Elizabeth tirelessly with Jesus, our God, in her womb.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and let us accept gladly the accompanying sacrifices which go along with loving service. (Ma. Iris Melliza, Ed.D.)

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