He lived among us
There is no greater feeling of relief in times of adversity than to have someone with us on the rescue. In difficult moments when we need other’s hands, we find comfort in finding someone who is ready to share with us the burden on the journey.
The time of Christmas is a time of savoring that hour of having with us in this life the Savior who makes us free from the slavery of sin. The pains brought about by the lack of order, both in our spiritual and physical lives, can be eased and relieved by the presence of the author of life who lives among us. This Christmas season is a time to share in the divinity of God who shared in our humanity as he took our human nature.
It is our hope and prayer, that those who feel the difficult times these days, especially the victims of natural calamities such as “Odette” may find consolation in people who extend their spiritual, moral, material and financial assistance. May those who feel like they have nowhere to take their rest because their homes were destroyed by the typhoon, find comfort in our concrete action of compassion as we send our donations for them. May our positive response of sharing our graces in the form of material and financial blessings that we extend through the campaign of the Church become our way of making Christ felt as he lived among us.
May the birth of Christ, our Savior, bring consolation in times of adversity. A peaceful and joyful Christmas to all!
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