“The wind blows”

“The wind blows wherever it wishes; you hear the sound it makes but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. It is like that with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

DXGN 89.9 Spirit FM has been blowing again since the past five years. It was formally re-opened on June 13, 2016 with a Mass in San Pablo Parish presided over by the beloved Archbishop of Davao and currently the CBCP President, Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, D.D. That was after five years of preparation through research, consultation, and planning whether or not to bring back DXGN on air since it closed in 2008.

That re-opening was a fruit of the wind that blew the Church of Davao. The concerted effort was evident in many ways: the wisdom and guidance of the Members of the Corporation of Davao Verbum Dei Media Foundation, Inc. headed by the beloved Archbishop of Davao; the parishes’ pledge of support; and the donations from the Catholic institutions, schools, religious and lay groups. That made us the way to acquire a brand new transmitter and do some repair of our dilapidated studio to be ready for broadcast and livestreaming.

The wind blew also to good-hearted people whom God has sent us to help materialize our plans. The research done by Mrs. Cheryl Vilog-Magdaherin affirmed our programming plan which is now headed by Mrs. Annie Libres. The business plan which was presented by Mrs. Masarina Banguerigo to the Presbyerium in one of their meetings, although not all in the plan is realized, gave us a little confidence that time to go ahead. And, our technical and marketing staff also were slowly organized to start to face the challenge.

Today, amidst the pandemic, we have surpassed our fears. Oftentimes we do not know where the wind of generous people is coming. Many times, we were also unaware how far in the world have we evangelized since our beneficiary is not only local and regional but worldwide. Ordinary listeners and followers, like security guards and tricycle drivers hand in their little contribution for the station. There are also pocketed supporters, some of them are businessmen, who surprisingly come to our office extending envelopes for our program to continue.

Our pastoral agencies in the Archdiocese of Davao and the members of the Archdiocesan Council for Lay Apostolates and Integrated Movements (ACLAIM) have become a boost to our aspiration to make DXGN 89.9 Spirit FM truly our own. Our energetic, young and not so young staff are also truly a fruit of the wind that keeps on blowing, day in and day out. Our Parish SoCCom and volunteers also serve as our arms who added to the strength of the apostolate.

Our national and international partners for training and upgrading have been so helpful to equip our personnel. Among them are the Catholic Media Network (CMN), Signis Asia, and Communication Foundation for Asia.

DXGN 89.9 Spirit FM is not just a radio station, nor just a platform of social communications. It is not merely all about equipment and gadgets nor only about programs and survival of operation.

It is God’s people in the Archdiocese of Davao having the vision of evangelized Christian radio communities, heralds of the Good News. It is the community of the disciples of Jesus Christ believing in the mission to spread the Good News of salvation through the mass media and social media. It takes on the mission of renewing, restoring, strengthening the faithful towards building God’s kingdom on earth through radio and/or electronic media.


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