editorial St Joseph

Our consecration to St. Joseph

editorial St JosephOur national consecration to St. Joseph last May 1 poses an ongoing challenge for us to live truly the example of St. Joseph in our everyday living. For each Filipino believer, the life and virtues of St. Joseph should not only remain as a dream and an ideal to wait to happen to us. It must be seen in the way we face our present challenge as we bear the name of a Christian.

In his book entitled Consecration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC writes: “For the rest of you life, love, trust and honor St. Joseph. Go to him in times of plenty, in times of poverty, in good times and in bad. He will be your guardian, your strength, and your certainty of not being lost. If you become weary, go to St. Joseph. If you become anxious, go to St. Joseph. When you are alone, mourning, or tempted, run to St. Joseph! He will never by far from you. He will hear your voice and be your quick defense. A fearless warrior, your spiritual father will rush to your side and protect you.”

St. Joseph, pray for us!

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