PCL on Fourth Problem of Older People
While several old persons who, in their late 60s and late 70s, are heads of State and leaders in business, the situation is almost an exception to the general lack of PARTICIPATION and involvement of retired and older people in the decisions that affect their lives. In response to this Fourth Problem the Holy See’s Pontifical Council on the Laity (PCL) recommends that “steps must be taken to correct the lack of representation of older people, and to remove the prejudices and misconceptions that have damaged their image in our time.”
PCL further specifies practical examples. “Older people must be enabled to influence the policies that concern their life, but also those that concern society in general. They must be helped to do so through specific organizations, and through appropriate forms of political and trade-union representation. The creation of associations for older people must therefore be encouraged, and those already existing be supported.”
The Pontifical Council ends with the following important value and principle which we must appreciate. “To stem the culture of indifference, rampant individualism, competitiveness and utilitarianism which are now threatening all areas of society, and to remove any form of segregation between the generations, a new mentality, a new attitude, a new mode of being, a new culture need to be developed. A form of prosperity and of social justice needs to be pursued that is compatible with the objective of defending the centrality of the human person and his dignity.”
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