DCH Pamalandong

Gospel Reflection: Saturday – 18th Week in Ordinary Time

August 8, 2020
Gospel: Mt. 17: 14-20

What does it mean to believe? Maybe this question seems silly to us because we have been a believer, and that is the reason why we are here. We have been this way ever since we took notice of our being a Christian. But sometimes, there is always a tendency for us to presuppose faith. Faith has become a presumption rather than an actual living out of the values of Jesus.

Jesus in our Gospel today said that if you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could move mountains. We wonder maybe how that can be. But it is possible. It is what we need to distinguish between professed faith and a presumed faith.

It is so easy to know and to gauge how much we believe. These are the indicators:

  1. Fidelity to the commandment of Jesus. Are we that convinced to follow him? Do we obey what Jesus wants us to do and follow where he wants us to be? Our Gospel is a Gospel of no compromise. You will either take or leave it.
  2. Conversion. Or the change of heart. If you genuinely believe it, it must initiate change in you. It must change the way we look at things, the way we think, and the way we do. Our heart slowly becomes configured that of Christ. If your faith has not brought a change in you, then you have not truly believed enough.
  3. The Never-ending Hope in the Lord. Hope characterizes the life of a Christian. To have confidence is to believe that God has a plan for all humanity and that he will fulfill it in his time and not according to our constructs and projects. It is not our way, but his plan will be followed.
  4. The inner joy that bursts into a celebration of life. Life is the most beautiful gift that God has given us. Without it, we have to reason to celebrate. If we truly believe, there is a whole world of reason to celebrate, to rejoice, to be thankful always, and to be happy forever. So, smile, the Lord loves you despite who you are. God wants us all to be happy.

So how is our faith?

(Rev. Fr. Urbano Pardillo DCD; Director, St John Paul II Seminary in Kibanban, Digos City)

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