DCH Shalom

Thousands of death yet no worldwide anger?

Media reports from India and Australia have been sending out news that China is to be blamed for the pandemic Covid-19. Yet China, also thru media, keeps on denying the allegations but does everything to help the victims and to come with vaccine soonest. This issue is still clouded in mystery. We will try to find out.

Little too is published about the deaths, the burials, funerals, grief, the pains, the sufferings of surviving families etc. These and many other social and personal damages are not widely known. How can you be angry against something you do not know, something you cannot see, hear and touch, something invisible?

The Covid-19 is not a human being of flesh and blood on whom you foil your hatred, fulminate your rage, hurl your invectives, and inflict your own violence. Some spiritually devout people suggest to consider Covid-19 as Satan the Evil One. Then we can exorcise him like we do with persons who are possessed. I wonder how many Church people would agree. Will local governments and health agencies allow rites of exorcism on the infected? Looks complicated. Should be experimented with care and with government’s and health agency’s permit.

But there must be anger, Holy Anger, and in a global scale at that. What kind of anger? How is this expressed? Symbolically, it surely can.

To state it clearly symbolically we must get angry at ourselves, or more clearly still, at the EVIL in our inner selves. What is this evil, and how do we get angry at it, or, in other words, oppose it thereby eliminating it?

This evil in us is usually referred to in our Catholic tradition as the Seven Capital Sins. They are Pride, Covetousness, Anger, Lust, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. They are called Capital because they engender or are the source of more acts of sinfulness. Many traditions, cultures and moral teachings of organized religions oppose these with moral spiritual values which are called with different names.

They oppose pride with Humility, covetousness with Liberality, anger with Meekness, lust with Chastity, gluttony with Temperance, envy with Brotherly Love, and sloth with Diligence. These are personal virtues which make a person physically, morally, culturally and spiritually mature.

This is really possible as a form of spirituality on an individual, family, barangay, parish or diocesan levels. But nationally or globally? We need world leaders who believe in it.

Several times Pope Francis urged world leaders, directly and indirectly, on the moral values virtually opposing corrupting influence of sins and vices. We have noticed this holy but humble anger in this admirable world leader.

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