editorial bec Basic Ecclesial Community Sunday

Basic Ecclesial Community Sunday

editorial bec Basic Ecclesial Community SundayIn 2017, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines declared that the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is also Basic Ecclesial Community Sunday. “We continue to deepen our conviction as a Church to work towards a stronger communion in faith as a Church draws its life and mission from the Most Holy Trinity.” (Cf. Ordo)

This COVID-19 crisis is a test to our Gagmay’ng Kristohanong Katilingban (GKK) in this difficult and trying time, to show concern not only in praying for each other in our families but also in organizing initiatives to help the vulnerable.

Among the good examples that are worth appreciating are: 1) the volunteer frontliners who are take care for the safety of the neighborhood; 2) the few neighbors who are more blessed and who have shared what they have to the more needy ones; and 3) the other volunteers, like our Purok Leaders, who are also our GKK members, who have been so patient in serving despite the complaints they hear.

Let the Holy Trinity unite all of us in good times and in bad.

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