There never was a good war or a Bad Peace
The title is a quotation supposedly from the famous American author and hero – Benjamin Franklin. It has deep implications and meaning if taken positively. After all, except in the cases of legitimate self-defense, it is much better to avoid the violence of war which many times has been instigated by human pride or false pretexts. You cannot pay for the price of one life just because your pride was hurt or for other flimsy reasons. And imagine the loss of many lives in a war.
When will we ever learn to avoid the irreparable losses evoked in war just for the sake of placating an emotion of hurt pride. You cannot right a wrong with another wrong. No wonder our Savior Jesus, the Son of God, has shown us by word and example the importance of the virtue of humility. His is the supreme example while many of us humans so easily blow our temper for any little annoyance to our pride. What’s the use indulging in such proud temperamental outbursts? Jesus, the Son of God, showed exactly the opposite humble reaction. And He is the Savior of the world and the King of kings, the Lord of lords. And surely He emphasized—“the man who humbles himself shall be exalted, the one who exalts himself shall be humbled” (Lk. 14:11).
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