A Spirituality for today: The Crucified Christ

In our Christian Catholic tradition we use the word, spirituality, to refer to the faith basis or spiritual reason for my life and behavior.

So, as far as I am concerned, all my personal responses to any issue of the day are motivated by my spirituality. Or, to put it in another way, all issues of concern to me are seen, judged and responded to from the perspective of my spirituality.

I have chosen The Crucified and Forsaken Christ as my spirituality. By this I am placing myself in the same condition as Jesus Christ suffering in pain on the cross. This condition is not the exact physical imitation of the crucifixion like some devotees on Good Friday who hang themselves nailed on the wood of the cross. In actual practice it is experiencing the excruciating pain and difficulty of living a frugal, simple and lowly lifestyle. It is symbolized simply by the cross which Jesus says I must carry daily. This is the life of most of the poor and marginalized in our society.

How can this lifestyle rooted in The Crucified spirituality be an effective response to the issue of Extra Judicial Killings (EJK)? How can it be an effective counter-symbol to the structural injustice of the present system of governance in this country which is the root cause of poverty and inequality?

It is hopeď that just as the sacrifice of the Crucified Christ touched the heart and soul of his torturers and enemies, a frugal, simple and lowly lifestyle sincerely lived out of love for the rich and powerful oppressors is expected to bring about conversion or change of heart, and consequently a change of system in governance.

But the choice of a form of lifestyle, which is definitely a fruit of prayer and discernment, would depend on the social, economic, political and cultural condition of place where one lives.

Three things are expected of me in this life of a counter symbol. One: as often as possible to be in actual solidarity with the poor and the marginalized. Two: to study and be constantly aware of big events and the persons behind the events and the meaning of the events. Three: to bring all experiences to prayer and discernment.

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