IRD 2020
This title stands for Inter-religious Dialogue for the year 2020.
This is part of the 9 years special preparation for the national celebration of the 500th-year anniversary of the Christianization of the Philippines on March 1521-2021. What is the connection between Christianization and Inter-religious dialogue?
According to the teaching of the Church (Congregation Doctrine of the Faith /CDF/ “Proclamation & Dialogue”), dialogue and proclamation are two authentic instruments of evangelization.
Proclamation is an immediate sharing of Christ and His gospel. Dialogue is a gradual and at times indirect way of sharing Christ and gospel values with the followers of other religions. What then are we to do during the year 2020?
During the year 2020, beginning in December 2019, Catholics are reminded of the mandate of the Vatican II document NOSTRA AETATE (Our Age) to dialogue with adherents of other religions on matters that have in common thus promoting friendship and understanding, mutual collaboration leading to social harmony and peaceful coexistence.
Christian churches, Catholic and Protestant, and Muslim ulama have been doing this for more than thirty years. A culture of dialogue and peace have been developed here. Luzon and Visayas religious leaders can learn from the interfaith dialogue and peace-making experiences of Mindanaoans.
Foremost among them are the Bishops-Ulama Conference, the Silsilah Dialogue Movement and the Peace Association of Zamboanga, the Ulama League of the Philippines, the National Council of Churches of the Philippines-Mindanao sector.
An important part of the IRD activities of 2020 would be a review of the history of each group and a renewed understanding of their specific relevance in the present situation of our country.
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