DaDiTaMa election pastoral guidelines vote

Good Politics is at the Service of Peace

DaDiTaMa Pastoral Guidelines for 2019 Mid-Term Election

DaDiTaMa election pastoral guidelines voteGreetings of Peace!

“Every election period is a promise of better times or a foreboding of what is worse to come. The choice is in our hands” (cf. CBCP Pastoral Statement on May 2019 Election dated January 28, 2019). As the 2019 Midterm elections is close at hand, our Christian faith is once again challenging us to be truly discerning believers both in our political involvements and in electing public officials worthy to the office. For this reason, we the DaDiTaMa bishops are sending you these guidelines that you may be guided accordingly.

  1. The political arena is the principal domain of the lay faithful in their participation as candidates, poll officials, campaign managers, political supporters and voters are called to permeate the political field with the value of Christ (honesty, integrity, justice, truth, fair play, peaceful election, etc.). (Vat. II, Apostolicam Actuositatem, number 2 pp. 768)
  2. While priests are entitled to vote for their choice, they must not use the pulpit for purely partisan politics. This applies not only to parish churches but also to GKK chapels and other fora. Moreover, in accordance with the Code of Canon Law (canons 287, 273, 1371, 1393) any priests involved in partisan politics after having been warned, may incur just penalty, not excluding suspension or dismissal from clerical state.
  3. We enjoin our Administrators and Teachers in Catholic Schools to help in the political education of our students according to their various levels and in accordance with the teachings of the church. Our schools must never be used for purely partisan politics.
  4. The lay faithful running for public office and actively and publicly involved in partisan politics are deemed resigned from their office or leadership position in the parish, GKK, organization or apostolate to avoid neglect of their apostolic duties or misuse of their leadership positions for political advantage.
  5. Those elected to an executive position (Governor, vice-governor, Mayor, Vice-Mayor) continue to be resigned in their previous office and positions without prejudice to their rights to be involved in apostolate and organizations (Cf. CIC number 216). They must consider their office as their way of witnessing to the values of Christ who came down to serve and not to be served. (cfr. Vat. II, Lumen Gentium, chapter IV number 31 pp. 389)
  6. Those who have been elected to a non-executive position, those who lost the election and those who actively and publicly involved in partisan politics may seek active participation in any office and leadership roles in the parish and GKK following the usual process of application but not earlier than three months.
  7. “Let all of us be guided by a sense of the common good when we elect leaders for those for whom Christ died. Let us choose those who are truly upright and self-sacrificing, respectful of the dignity of all and compassionate towards the poor. Let us reject those who are dishonest, deceitful, self-seeking and unmindful of the poor. Not voting for a particular position when there is no one fitted for it is also a valid Christian political choice. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil” (cf. +Socrates Villegas, DD, Being Eucharist in Life and Deeds, 31 January 2016).
  8. “It is very crucial therefore that we elect public officials who are principled, courageous and who have the common good as their main concern and not their own political interests. We encourage voters to be very discerning in their votes. Let the lay groups engage in discernment circles to help one another know the candidates well and choose the candidates with the common good of the whole country in mind and not according to what the candidates promise, much less according to what voters have received from these candidates.” (CBCP Pastoral Statement on May 2019 Election- SEEK THE COMMON GOOD, January 28, 2019)

Let us be one in working for a clean, honest, peaceful and credible midterm elections. As Pope Francis reminded us in his message during the 2019 World Day of Peace-“Every election and re-election, and every stage of public life, is an opportunity to return to the original points of reference that inspire justice and law.”

God bless us all!

Paternally in Christ,


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