Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - The Last Supper (1495-1498) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) – The Last Supper (1495-1498)

The July 24 Paris Incident

About 3 billion people worldwide saw the July 24 Paris Olympic opening program. As usual, the Olympic host nation tries to outdo the pageantries of the past Olympics. France wanted to show that it is ahead when it comes to art and culture. Part of the 4 hour pageantry dealt with the supposed latest French fashion and art. The background, colors and deco art was like Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting of the last supper showing Jesus and the 12 disciples. The parody (a farcical weak imitation of a literary musical or work) shows a dining hall. It focused on a nude French actor painted blue as dinner host and 12 men representing the apostles. Then the long table showed a dinner platter with you know who and voila! 12 dancers and models representing you know. Sadly, the focus was on the 12 who were models and drag queens. The French wanted to show the world they are unbeatable when it comes to arts, fashion and imagination.

Article 26 of our civil code says “Every person shall respect the dignity, personality, privacy and peace of mind of his neighbors xx the following and similar acts though not a criminal offense shall xx give a cause of action for damages xx 4. Vexing or humiliating another on account of his religious beliefs xx.

Please look at the July 24 Paris Olympic opening on your cellphone. The last supper is part of the mass which Catholics celebrate everyday all over the world and is a very solemn ritual. Where do you draw a line between freedom of speech which include art and offending the religious sensibilities and feelings of others. The French Olympic committee sensing a wave of protests hurriedly called a press conference. It said the pageant referred to Dionysus, Greek God of wine making, fruitfulness and ecstasy and not the last supper. Australian Catholic Bishop Robert Barron protested (but not the French Catholic Church), “what’s presented is this gross flippant mockery. (“A fake or derisive imitation). The French Committee cannot use the Olympics as an excuse to humiliate/embarrass the faithful. Did the parody hurt Christianity. Yes, Simpson would have said “Man, that’s below the belt. Be careful when you try to make fun of the feelings of others especially concerning religion.” Are the French really mentally and morally superior in arts and culture while the rest are cretins and morons who do not know any better. Are the French really advanced so that they leave us behind intellectually Jurassic? Is decency and respect for others really obsolete? Was it art? Fortunately on July 28 the French Olympic Committee made a formal apology. Let’s not make the issue, pain, insult, gross bigger. All is well that ends well. Forgive and Forget. To forgive is divine. As Simpson said “It hurts, man”.

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