editorial St Teresa of Avila (Illustration by Glenn Remolador)

Steadfast in Faith

The Teresian Daughters of Mary (TDM) have played an integral role in advancing the mission of evangelization in the Archdiocese of Davao, now celebrating its 75th year. As a community deeply rooted in the teachings of St. Teresa of Avila and inspired by the pastoral vision of their founder, Archbishop Antonio Lloren Mabutas, TDM’s commitment to faith, education, and service has made them vital evangelizers. Administering Catholic schools and engaging in social action, the sisters have shaped minds and hearts in alignment with the Church’s mission.

September, as the month of vocations, highlights TDM’s ongoing dedication to nurturing religious life through their formation programs and the influence of the Friends of TDM. As the Archdiocese reflects on 75 years of faith, TDM’s Golden Jubilee exemplifies their steadfast contribution to building a future of hope and discipleship in Davao’s local Church.

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