Abp Romulo Valles at the Archbishop Thibault Media Awards ATMA 2024

Message of Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, D.D. During the Launching of the Archbishop Thibault Media Awards

Brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

It is with so much joy that I am able to witness and be present today in this event, this launching of the Archbishop Thibault Media Awards.

From Davao Catholic Mass Media Awards to the Archbishop Thibault Media Awards.

Let me explain: In the larger context, I would like to remind ourselves that this year, the Archdiocese of Davao is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee, 75 years of ecclesial life. What is now the Archdiocese of Davao began 75 years ago as a Prelature Nullius with its first Bishop, Bishop Clovis Thibault PME who, in fact, became the first Archbishop of Davao when Davao was elevated into Archdiocese.

I remember as a very young seminarian studying in Davao, in the late 60s and early 70s, that the local Church of Davao had an apostolate, called BTMC, the Bishop Thibault Media Center. I remember Davao seminarians getting involved, as their apostolate, in the activities of BTMC. I am citing this to illustrate the fact that the Archdiocese of Davao, in its early years, led by Archbishop Thibault, had already the media as part of its overall work of evangelization. That is why, naming this Award as Archbishop Thibault Media Awards is so meaningful, capturing the history, the early “mind and heart” of the first Bishop of Davao, already a visionary, who saw the importance of mass media in serving our people. I can only imagine that Archbishop Clovis Thibault is smiling upon us this morning.

And let me give my appreciation and congratulations to the organizers of this event. There are many of you, but I would like to single out Fr. Ritsche Gamaya for leading you to attend to the many things that this event requires. Through Fr. Ritsche, I would like to express to you my personal appreciation and pride of what you have been doing.

Special thanks to the Davao Light and Power Company, thank you to Engr. Tia for offering us again the use of this beautiful venue for this event.

I would like to end with my three remarks regarding the Catholic inspiration, as it were, in mass media –

First: Mass media that inspires and moves people to do good, the good that is described in the Gospel. You don’t have to be very “churchy” in your articulation; nevertheless, leading people to do, to search, and long for what is good; to be moved to search for what is good; what is truly good is already a path towards finding God. And part of this service of the media is that truth leads us to what is good.

Second: Mass media that leads us to see grace, to see the positive, to see little victories, to smile a bit in the midst of our daily difficulties. In short, mass media that leads people to see bits of gems in a situation that is full of non-essentials, mass media that shares the belief that the good Lord is always there even in times of darkness, the Lord who never abandons us in times of distress.

Third: Mass media that leads us to discover who we really are. Leading us to see ourselves as Filipinos, as Davaoeños, with our own cultural and social identities that can truly contribute to nation-building. Mass media that leads us to see ourselves, not just as noble Filipinos and Davaoeños, but discover ourselves as truly sons and daughters of God. Thus, I would like to believe that mass media, truly inspired and guided by Gospel values, will lead us to appreciate our transcendental destination, that is, our journey towards heavenly happiness with God.

Congratulations to all of you!

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