editorial September Laudato Si 2020 (Illustration by Glenn Remolador)

Laudato Si

The Pope’s encyclical highlights the care for creation. Every gift that we all receive has a responsibility. We receive the gift of creation not only with gratefulness, but when enhancing and nurturing creation in a sustainable way will reliably bring us more life, not just today but for generations to come.

We are all co-creators. God is surrounded with beings participating, cooperating with the gifts endowed on us, and He delights in this set-up. We are net-beneficiaries of God’s abundance, and when we care as stewards, we not only please God, but we engender our interconnectedess with one another. No people will have to migrate because their land has been devastated because of overexploitation. The oceans will continue to feed us, and forests provide healthy habitats for the flora and fauna of the world, not to mention the products we can derive from them like medicines. Every part of the world has a role to contribute to the promotion of life, but it is up to us as stewards of creation to ensure that this gift of God keeps on giving.

The Blessed Mother said ‘yes’ to God, and received Jesus with fervor, and shared her life with Him, nurtured Him, and the world was never the same again.

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