Cycle or Apocalypse?

Cycle, a period of time within which a round of regularly recurring events is completed. Apocalypse, revelation, in Christian religion, it refers to the last book of the New Testament, describing the signs of the end of the world (for some it is rapture.) Most weather bureaus say July 21 was the hottest day on record. On July 22 they say the temperature was hotter than July 21. The European Union’s Copernicus climate change service, using a very scientific and sophisticated formula which they fed to a high technology super computer, created a real time picture of the earth’s climate (temperature, wind, precipitation) for roughly every 30 square kilometer part of the earth.

This technique called “Reanalysis” goes back to 1940 records and the results are bad. It showed that 2023 was the hottest year on record and that every month for the past 13 months has been the hottest on record. 5 weather services pooled the findings using the reanalysis technique: 1. US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2. US The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 3. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, 4. China Meteorological Administration, 5. Japan Meteorological Agency.

Using algorithm (anaerobic system of numerals), they came to the same conclusions. Historical records show that the hottest month usually happen in July so they prepared for it. Some say this is it, St. John’s book, Revelation/apocalypse. If it is any comfort the Bible is clean that nobody knows the day and the hour except the Lord. Scientists have dealt with cycles ever since. They are predictable. The best example is spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter.

In Asia, we have the monsoon season, beginning July. In our country, we have the amihan and habagat. El Niňo (dry) and 5 years later La Niňa (wet). They said the last winter age happened 5,000 years ago and the last minor ice age happened 200-300 years ago. So, we are back to square one. Is it los cuatros jinetes del apocalipsis or is it part of the earth’s weather pattern/cycle? All agree that July 2023 up to July 2024 were really very hot months. Mad magazine’s thinker, Alfred Neuman said: “What? Me Worry?”

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