An Appeal for Peace, Sobriety, and Mutual Respect

As the Shepherd of the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Davao, I am morally impelled to speak out, for and in behalf of peace, and to make an appeal for calmness and sobriety among the people of Davao City, especially those involved in the ongoing situation at the KOJC Compound here.

This may not be the opportune moment to share my insights on the reasons that led to the current very disturbing situation. I simply wish to reiterate what so many people from Davao City and outside are calling for, that is, the respect of the rule of law. Careful discernment, and prudence, and the regard for the basic civil liberties guaranteed by our constitution must be observed in compliance with the directives of the Courts. The prolonged search being conducted, coupled with the overwhelming presence of law enforcers in a place dedicated for religious worship, and for the education of the youth, is alarming and troubling, as it touches some sensitive issues on religious freedom.

I appeal for the immediate peaceful resolution to the situation, and the mutual respect and introspection of all. Let us respect the humanity of everyone, and their inherent rights. Let sobriety take the upper hand in our judgment and action!

I fervently ask our faithful to pray for peace and sobriety in our hearts and minds! Let us pray that justice and peace may continue to reign in our beloved city.

May our Lord bless us and “guide our feet into the way of peace” (Canticle of Zechariah, Luke 1:68-79). May our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Peace, continue to accompany us here in the City of Davao.

+ Romulo G. Valles, D.D.
Archbishop of Davao
27 August 2024

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