11th Episcopal Commission on Family and Life Digos 2024

Urgent Call to Families vs. D.E.A.T.H.

Family and Life Apostolate Workers are urged to spread the Joy of Marriage and Family Life to strengthen families facing challenges such as D-ivorce, E-uthanasia, A-bortion, T-otal Population Control and H-omosexuality or D.E.A.T.H.

More than 200 delegates from 21 dioceses in Mindanao who gathered at the 11th Episcopal Commission on Family and Life at the Diocese of Digos affixed their signatures to a position paper against divorce. The Position Paper against Absolute Divorce as a bill has been passed on second reading at the House of Senate.

Inspired by this year’s theme, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid,” from the Gospel of Matthew verse 14: 27, the delegates were informed about the legal aspects of divorce and its implication in life and the family by Atty. Renz Gerald J. Gran. Atty. Gran says in divorce, it is always the children who are mostly affected.

While the moral aspect of “Absolute Divorce” and its implication in the Life and Family was discussed by Fr. Orly Angelia, director of the Family and Life Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Davao.

IN an interview over DXGN SPIRIT FM’s Ambit GN Program, Fr. Angelia explained that even if the signature campaign is not a guarantee to scrap the Divorce Bill, and called on FLA workers to act on ways to prevent troubled couples ending in divorce.

Moreover, Rev. Fr. Ian M. Calabria urged FLA workers to properly prepare aspiring couples to marriage by applying the catechumenal pathways to help them discern marriage life and have a more meaningful married life despite threats to families.

Building upon Pope Francis’ call in Amoris laetitia for a deeper formation of engaged couples, Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life offers all those who work in family pastoral care a renewed vision and methodology of preparation for the sacrament of marriage and for all married life.

Fr. Angelia believes that there is a need for an intensive and massive information dissemination on the issue of divorce and its implications to family life and effects on children in the parishes down to the level of the GKKs and pundok banay integrated in the formation modules.

The family, now being challenged by different issues were expounded by Dr. Rene Noel Bullecer that needed urgent action against DIVORCE, EUTHANASIA, ABORTION, TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL AND HOMOSEXUALITY or D.E.A.T.H.

He revealed that based on latest statistics, different nations are now experiencing “POPULATION IMPLOSION” or the decreasing population in Europe, America, even in Africa and Asia.

IN the Philippines, he explained that the declining population growth rate, now at 1.2 percent is a far cry to the World Health Organization’s parameters of 2.7 percent to be able to replace an aging population.

IN 2030, he added, there will be more Filipino senior citizens than the young. Sadly, total population control is still in the agenda of the present administration.

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