The Lord’s Will Prevails

For the past few months, I have been saving for a family vacation in one of the resorts in Samal Island. The vacation is meant as a surprise graduation gift for my youngest daughter, who graduated from college last June 28, 2024. Since she is still preparing for her licensure exam for teaching on September 29, 2024, I planned to have the family vacation a week after her exam. With my savings, we could stay for two days and one night at the resort. That was my plan.

However, on July 29, 2024, I felt a tingling sensation at the back of my neck, and when I checked my blood pressure, it was 147/93—above the normal 120/80. I monitored it for a week, with some days showing a BP of 155/103, along with chest pains that prompted me to seek medical help. On August 7, my doctor found my BP at 163/100, leading to a series of lab tests, including cholesterol checks and heart exams like ECG and 2D Echo. The diagnosis was hypertension with high cholesterol. While my heart exams were normal, I now need to maintain medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol. The doctor’s fees, lab costs, and medications—quite expensive—came from the money I saved for our vacation and from my emergency savings.

Reflecting on this, I thank God that I was able to seek medical help immediately and that I had money available for such an incident. I also realized that I have no control over what happens in life, including my health. At 52, I never thought I would become hypertensive. As for my plan for our family vacation, I never expected that some of the money I saved would be redirected for medical expenses. Perhaps now the vacation will be shortened to just a day trip, or postponed until I can save enough again—God willing. Indeed, the Lord’s will prevails over our plans.

Lord, please take control of our lives. May our future plans always be in accordance with Your Most Holy will. Amen.

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” – Proverbs 19:21

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