SADePP Pastoral Visit 2024

On August 7-9, 2024, a humbling pastoral visit was made by Archbishop Romulo G. Valles, D.D., to the beautiful and unified San Antonio de Padua Parish in Agdao.

The anticipation was clear as parishioners lined the parish ground, adorned with colorful banderitas and warm smiles, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Archbishop Valles.

For weeks, the parish community had been filled with preparations. GKK leaders, families, and lay organizations all contributed to warmly welcome their beloved shepherd. When the day finally arrived, the joy was unmistakable. Upon his arrival, Archbishop Valles was greeted by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Amado Arroyo and Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Jose Marie Escuadro. They gathered together for the Holy Mass following the Rite of Reception.

It was more than just a visit—it was a homecoming. As Archbishop Valles stepped out of his car, cheers erupted, and the community’s warm embrace enveloped him. His familiar, comforting smile resonated with everyone, reflecting the deep spiritual bonds that have united them over the years.

After the Holy Mass, an encounter with the GKK Servant Leaders took place at the Holy Family Gymnasium. In his opening statement, the Archbishop praised the parish’s transformation, attributing its beauty to the community’s generosity and the supervision of Fr. Arroyo.

“When we say Agdao… kaya diay!”
“From depressed to first class!”

During the encounter, important concerns were addressed, including handling rejection in encouraging members to be active servants of the Church. The Archbishop acknowledged, “Mangandam ta kay mao gyud kana ang kinaiya sa atong misyon… Lisod gayud.”

Other issues discussed included land titles, disputes, chapels damaged by fires, demolition concerns, and ways on how to synchronize parish events with archdiocesan events.

At the end of the said encounter, the Archbishop left an inspirational message for the leaders: “Paglipay, uswag kamo sa inyong pagtoo. Pangutana ninyo, pangutana usab nako. Kaguol ninyo, kaguol nako. Paningkamot.”

Day 2 of the Archbishop’s visit was even more meaningful. For the first time, the Archbishop was able to tour selected areas and Gagmay’ng Kristohanong Katilingban (GKK) communities via a personalized motorcade, before attending the GKK Mass at Sto. Niño – Lulu, which has served as a community chapel for nearly 60 years.

In his homily, the Archbishop expressed his admiration for the motorcade and the warm welcome from community members, calling it the most memorable visit to Agdao so far.

Right after the Mass, a celebration was held with over (9) zones contributing to a festive salo-salo. Youth members from Zone 2 performed Christian dances, and a GKK Encounter with the Archbishop provided leaders and members an opportunity for personal interaction and to hear fruitful insights from him.

On August 9, third and final day of the visit, a quick audience was arranged with parish staff, including a conventional conversation about pastoral duties. This session included a conventional conversation about pastoral duties, which offered a platform for open dialogue on the challenges and opportunities within their roles. Also, some discussion gave ideas into the workings of the parish and emphasized the importance of collaboration and communication among staff members. The short gathering was attended by the Parish Priest and the newly-assigned Parochial Vicar, Rev. Fr. Ranie Boy Pamplona.

In the afternoon, Holy Mass was celebrated, during which Archbishop Valles once again expressed his gratitude to the parishioners for their dedicated service, bringing glory and honor to God and to San Antonio de Padua, who remains their source of hope and inspiration.

To conclude the visit, active youth members from the Parish Youth Apostolate gathered for a special encounter with the Archbishop. This provided them with a unique opportunity to interact with him directly, discuss their roles and aspirations, and receive guidance and encouragement for their continued growth and service in the Church. The Archbishop, who himself was once young, reinforced the importance of their contributions and offered inspiration for their future endeavors in faith and community life. (Justin T. Felicia, Asst. Coordinator, Social Communications Committee)

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