‘Panghimulso Sa Parokya’: SFX Parish Tibungco celebrates 3-Day Pastoral Visitation

With the aim to hear the state of the parish and answer questions from the parishioners and GKK Servant Leaders through encounter and conversation, Most Revered Romulo G. Valles, D.D. Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Davao visited Saint Francis Xavier Parish Tibungco on July 15-17, 2024. Despite the rainy weather, the host parish warmly welcomed the archbishop with the route starting from barangay Ilang followed by a parade full of dedicated people waving their yellow and white flaglets. The enthusiasm of the parishioners truly mirrors the hospitality and deep-rooted faith of the community. “Miskan kita gi-ulan karong adlawa, makita nako sa inyo na malipayon ta nga nagkatigom karon,” Most Rev. Valles said during his homily while emphasizing, “Nganong mubisita man ang Obispo? Nagabista na gyud kami diri labi na kung adunay fiesta ug pagkumpirma pero sa Pastoral Visit, gimandato gyud na ang Obispo mugahin ug panahon nga maminaw kaninyo, muhimamat kaninyo, aron ang Obispo makahimulso sa pitik sa kinabuhi sa pagtoo sa atong parokya.”

After the Holy Mass, it was followed by a fellowship dinner where Tibungco and Ilang barangay officials, parishioners, GKK Servant Leaders, Parish Pastoral Team, parish priests, and Knights of Columbus were engaged in a meaningful conversation with the archbishop. Several persons from the aforementioned groups expressed their appreciation and asked questions relative to social and religious concerns to whom the archbishop answered. “Ang gugma nato dili lang para sa Katoliko apan kini gugma para sa tanan, atong ipadayag ang gugma sa Ginoo, ang iyahang unconditional love, huptan nato ang handumanan ni Kristo na mao ang handumanan sa pagpangga ug pagluwas kanato,” Most Rev. Valles reiterated during the encounter while highlighting “Makit-an nako nga ang pag-alagad ug pagtinabangay buhi kaayo sa atong mga GKK leaders ug sa mga barangay officials.”

Furthermore, during day two of the visitation, the archbishop had checked the canonical books, liturgical books, parish financial records, vestments, and vessels. It was followed by night two of conversation and encounter together with the Parish Pastoral Team, parish staff, sisters of SMI, mandated organizations, and altar servers. “The recently concluded pastoral visit of Archbishop Romulo G. Valles to St. Francis Xavier Parish, Tibungco, must have been a significant and enriching experience for the community,” Paul Angelo Gastanes, Youth Head Director, said in an interview while adding, “These visits are vital for strengthening the bonds between the parishioners and the broader church, as well as for providing spiritual guidance and support, fostering a sense of belonging among the young parishioners.” Moreover, day three unfolded at the St. Anthony De Padua Chapel, Barangay Ilang where the archbishop was once again welcomed with vibrant banners, rhythmic music, and festive dance by the Zone 12 GKKs and GKK Servant Leaders. The pastoral visitation was a resounding success as the archbishop was able to perform his goals – check the state of the parish, spread the love of God, and be one with the people of Christ. (Geterel John Abregana)

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