Integral formation of the clergy, religious and laity

The focus of this month’s celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Davao is on the integral formation of clergy, religious and laity. In time of the month of St. John Marie Vianney, the clergy of this local church of Davao are urged to continually be formed according to the heart of the Shepherd, Jesus Christ, the High Priest.

Furthermore, the religious and laity must journey and keep on levelling up with being formed as taking a big part in the Body of Christ the Church. Growing together in faith, the laity takes a big part in making the church of Davao as it is now. This journey that has matured from the past 75 years as a community that prays, teaches and serves cannot be without walking together on the road of dialogue in our Basic Ecclesial Communities.

But what is integral formation without leading towards genuine transformation. The individual and communal transformation of each of the clergy, religious and laity in the Archdiocese of Davao is the key to a truly synodal church.

May this month offer an opportunity for all of us in the local church of Davao to listen and learn, to be formed and transformed, so that we may be ready to arrive at the kingdom of God desired. Mary, Mother of the Church, intercede for us.

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