Fr Balaquinto Hall Unveiled San Roque Parish (SRP) Unveiling and blessing of the Fr. Balaquinto Hall during the 40th Parochial Fiesta of San Roque Parish in Malabog, honoring the late parish priest, Rev. Fr. Arnold Balaquinto, on August 16, 2024. (Photo: SRPYA)

Fr. Balaquinto Hall Unveiled

On August 16, 2024, during the 40th Parochial Fiesta of San Roque Parish, the marker for the Fr. Balaquinto Hall was officially unveiled by the Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, DD, Archbishop of Davao.

The hall is named in honor of the late Rev. Fr. Arnold A. Balaquinto, who served as the Parish Priest from 2018 until his passing in 2024. He is always remembered for the good traits he showed to his parishioners. His well-spent life left so many evident legacies, one of which is the seminar hall that was completely renovated in 2022 under his watch. The hall is used for formation, meetings and other activities in the parish.

Present during the unveiling ceremony were his mother, Mrs. Minda Balaquinto, together with his family, San Roque parishioners, and visitors.

This tribute was initiated by Rev. Fr. Cirilo Bermudez, Parish Administrator, together with the PPC members, supported and approved by the GKK Servant Leaders and members, then was endorsed to the Archbishop for approval. This is to remember the goodness of God through the life and ministry of Fr. Arnold that is shared with the people of Malabog. He may be gone, but his existence will be remembered and reminisced.

To God be the glory.

(Jozeil Crodua | SRP Malabog SoCCom)

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