Clergy, Religious, and Laity Unite for Synodal Dialogue

The Archdiocese of Davao held its Expanded Presbyterium Meeting at St. Francis Xavier Regional Major Seminary, Catalunan Grande, Davao City last Monday, August 12, 2024. The gathering brought together 292 participants, including clergy, religious, and laity, as part of the ongoing celebration of the Archdiocese’s Diamond Jubilee—a significant milestone in its history of faith and service.

The day began with a sense of unity and purpose as participants assembled, reflecting the diverse yet cohesive community that the Archdiocese has cultivated over the years. During the preliminaries, Msgr. Julius Rodulfa, Episcopal Vicar for the Clergy and Pastoral Director, emphasized the importance of this gathering. He reflected on the Archdiocese’s journey, highlighting the shared mission to nurture the spiritual growth of the faithful while addressing the evolving challenges of our time. Msgr. Rodulfa also elaborated on the significance of the synod and the themes discussed in the national meeting. The face of the Synodal Church “Synodality can be understood as Christians walking in communion with Christ toward the Kingdom along with the whole of humanity. Its orientation is toward the mission, and its practice involves gathering in assembly at each level of ecclesial life.

Fr. Pierre Samson, PME, delivered an inspiring talk, stating, “We receive the same spirit, and share the same mission because we are chosen for a specific mission.” He shared his experiences with his fellow priests and praised their enduring presence in Davao. Fr. Samson also recounted the story of the PME missionaries who laid the foundation of the Church in Davao, underscoring the importance of missionary zeal and synodality in working together in the spirit.

Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles,D.D. the Archbishop of Davao, highlighted three key points:

  1. In 2015 Synod of Families “The Synod is constitutive of the Church” is like the Church; we need to re-discover this constitutive nature. Therefore, a Synod is not new. It has been there since the beginning of the Church.
  2. Cardinal Tagle – Challenges to the Philippine Church to Live The Synodal Way. He said that we need to study and re-visit the difference in the Vatican II especially “Lumen Gentium”. He expressed to keep hold, develop, nourish, promote, and continue BECs to live the Synodal life; and walk with sinners.

    The challenge and the reality of regional ethnic diversity. He recalled that Archbishop Antonio Mabutas the second Bishop of Davao was from Ilocos. Followed by Archbishop Fernando Capalla, from Capiz.

  3. From Bishop Robert Baron (based on Synod Oct 2023) “To listen to the voices of those who felt not heard or marginalized in the life of the Church.” felt excluded from decision-making, unappreciated,” Their demand to get heard was heard loud and clear in the Synod. Bishop Valles reminded us that we must welcome everyone. Invite them to conversion.

The Vocation of 99% of the laity is TO SANCTIFY the affairs of the world — politics, entertainment, boardroom of corporations, families — where they are most competent. It was also clear that we don’t make the laity into PRIESTS.

As the conversation unfolded, participants engaged in three rounds of guided discussions, sharing their insights and experiences. The exchanges were deeply meaningful, with individuals in the groups resonating with each other’s sharing, creating a sense of connection and shared purpose.

The collective wisdom and experience exchanged during these conversations set the stage for a renewed commitment to the Church’s mission in Davao, ensuring that it continues to thrive and serve future generations.

One of the groups encapsulated the spirit of the event with the statement: “With gratitude for our 75 years as a local church, let us go out of our comfort zones. From ‘Pari-centeredness’ to ‘Parishioners-centeredness’. Coming together, reasoning together, praying together, and acting together with love.” (Babet Adegue Palero)

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